Can i cancel my order?

We pack our orders fast, so please get in touch ASAP if you'd like to cancel your order. If it hasn't been packed or shipped yet, we'll be able to cancel and refund you the full amount.

Please contact contact@gllculture.com with your order number and wait 72 hours for a response. 

Please note: we cannot guarantee modifications before dispatch.

I made an error with my order?

Please contact contact@gllculture.com with your order number and any details and we will do our best to help you. Please note, our customers service team are busy so wait at least 72 hours for a response.

Please note: we cannot guarantee modifications before dispatch.

Can i exchange my order?

Yes of course Find all exchange information here.

Whats is your return policy?

Our returns forms are available on site, please find all returns information here.

Can i return SALE?

Please note that items bought in sale or outlet are not eligible for a return OR exchange.

Do i have to pay for shipping when returning an item?

Yes, you have to cover postage for a return. Odd Muse will cover posatge if the item is faulty, however, this is subject to our returns policy that you can find here.

What do i do if my order is incorrect?

Please email our customer services team at contact@gllculture.com with your order number as well as any detail, images or exchange preferences.

What if i want an "out of stock" item ?

We regularly update our page with new stock, or returned stock. You can sign up to your size on the chosen product and be notified when it becomes available.